We kindly ask that you arrive 10 minutes early for your appointment. You can also save time by completing you intake paperwork online before your first visit.
If you are seeing one of our Osteopath's, Physiotherapists, or Chiropractors:
Your practitioner will complete the initial assessment. Your therapist will discuss the following:
Your current problem/concerns
Pain quality, what aggravates and relieves your pain
Once your practitioner has asked all the questions related to your condition, they will complete a physical evaluation including:
Observing and touching the area
Looking at the mobility of the joint
Testing the strength of the muscles
Neurological screening to see how the nerves are functioning
Other special tests relating to your condition
The practitioner will then formulate a treatment plan based on their assessment findings and will discuss what follow up steps are necessary for you.
If you are seeing one of our Registered Massage Therapists: Your therapist will briefly discuss your health history, your current concerns and your goals for treatment. They may also conduct a short assessment to see how your body moves. The assessment will continue during the massage session as they analyze your soft tissue quality and sensitivity to pressure. At the end of your massage, your therapist will recommend a schedule for follow up if required.